Our church meets most Sundays at the Doubletree Conference Centre at 10:30am.  We hope to see you soon!

WHat Can I expect?

You can join us on Sundays either online or in person. If you would like to join online the zoom link is on our church calendar.

Before joining us in person on Sunday, please register online @ and read the risk assessment.

When you join us on Sunday, we will greet you at the door with a friendly smile and check you in. You can sanitize your hands and then we will guide you to a seat in our meeting room. All seats have been set up in household bubbles with the appropriate distancing, please try to remain in your seat for the service. We begin our services with a brief safety announcement and then we start worship. Unfortunately, we cannot sing but we can hum behind our masks. No worries if you're not familiar with the songs; we project the lyrics on the screen.  We celebrate Jesus together each Sunday by sharing "The Lord's Supper".  The service concludes with a relevant Bible lesson that includes practical applications for our everyday lives. Once the service has finished, we will leave the building and any chatting or fellowship happens outside.

Due to COVID safety, we cannot have our usual primary children classes so all children will need to stay with their parent or guardian.

We love Sundays but we're also a church family that highly values friendship with one another on the other days of the week.  We meet on alternate Wednesdays online and gather twice a month in local small groups in and around Edinburgh.  To see our Wednesday schedule, please visit our calendar.  If you would like to learn more about our small groups, we would be glad to get you that information and help get you connected.