June 2021


9th of june - midweek service - 7:30pm

This midweek will be split into a parenting class and other classes.

For parenting class:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 859 4621 2529
Passcode: faith

For non-parents:


Meeting I D : 8 8 2 5 1 3 2 4 5 6 6

Password: j e s u s



13th of june - Sunday Service - 11AM

Join our online church service titled ‘Who Sinned?’ based on John 9.

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 862 1229 3597
Passcode: faith


20th of june - sunday service - 11am

Join our online church service titled ‘I Am The Resurrection’ based on John 11.

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 862 1229 3597
Passcode: faith


23rd of june - midweek service - 7:30pm

This midweek class is about perseverance.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 859 4621 2529
Passcode: faith

27th of june - Uk & Ireland joint sunday service - 11am

Join our online church service titled ‘As I Have Loved You’ based on John 13. This service will be joint with all our friends in our sister churches across the UK and Ireland.

YouTube service link - https://youtu.be/3rT_GPKSpMI

We will have fellowship afterwards as the Edinburgh church once the service is over at around 12:30pm.

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 862 1229 3597
Passcode: faith
